Sunday 15 June 2008

Feria y Fiestas de San Antonio

So, to the untrained eye, this might look a little twee... a fairground and candy-floss and pretty lights and people all over the place in flamenco costumes. However, the flamenco dresses aren't a joke! These Spanish folk are wearing the costumes with pride, to show off their best for the Feria y Fiestas de San Antonio, an annual event in Chiclana that lasts for a week and gets everyone putting on a show... There are prizes for the best dressed misses, best-dressed older people, best horse-riding skills, best entertainment tents, as well as displays of flamenco from various schools - showing off not only the adult dancers, but also the girls having a twirl and a stamp!

Tuesday 10 June 2008

Hola a todos!

Hola desde Espana! I have to apologise for hardly contacting anyone - I've been experiencing technical difficulties... My Spanish phone will only occasionnally send text messages to my Aussie buddies, and this computer is a shocker for freezing, for no apparent reason. It has even spat the dummy trying to access my emails, before I've even dared try creating any new messages! So sorry to all, perdoname! I hope that this will start to make you all feel a bit more loved :)
So, I've been over here for two weeks now. I had to ship half my luggage unaccompanied as I was way over the baggage allowance leaving Sydney. The guy at the check-in counter took one look at me with my rolly case, big back pack and hand luggage and frowned/grimaced.
"Are you on a round the world ticket?" he enquired.
"No," I replied.
"Then may I ask why you have two bags," he queried, puffing himself up ready for a fight.
"Because I have too much stuff," I replied, and smiled sweetly to diffuse the fight in him.
And all was well as he sent me to the excess luggage counter to arrange unaccompanied shipping of my backpack. No surprise there, and fortunately, the 18kg ish of excess was not charged at $50/kg as he had predicted, but only cost $300 ish all the way to Gibraltar. Happy me!
The flights were fine, I watched Juno, and some documentaries about a PNG tribe visiting the UK and experiencing serious culture shock. And fear at the crazy snow falling out of the sky at them!! Food was ok, fellow passengers didn't encroach on my armrest or get cross when I wanted to get up out of my seat... All was good until I reached London. Then...
Heathrow. Over an hour waiting for my bag to come out on the carousel. It was freezing, and full of idiots who sent me to broken lifts and wrong places in my search for the coach booking desk. Got there eventually, in perfect time for the next bus to Gatwick. The hotel at Gatwick was very nice, and made even better by the company of my brother and his girlfriend (Chris & Ceri) who helped me ward off the jetlag through the day. I had the best beefburger ever in the Gatwick terminal!!! After they left I hit the hotel gym. For about 20 minutes! Just couldn't do it, so I went to my room and pretty much slept until 5am ready for Gatwick to Gib. I actually slept right through from about 7pm to 5am, except for a short break for dinner - 2 strawberry cream tarts and a fruit cup from Marks & Spencers! Yummo!
The flight to Gibraltar flew by (lol) thanks to the company of a runner in the seat next to me. Time goes by so much quicker when you have someone interesting to talk to!
Arrival at Gib was just before lunchtime. Mum and Dad were standing on the airport roof waving as I walked across the tarmac from the plane. It's a tiny airport, so I could easily pick them out from the full viewing deck - full with about 10 people on it!! I passed through customs no worries, the officer doesn't even look at you or your things as you casually saunter through! Flash your passport to enter Gib. Flash it again to enter Spain walking my case to the car across the border. Flash it again to get back into Gib to get some lunch. Flash it again to get back to the car and finally en route to home, in Chiclana de la Frontera! And I didn't fall asleep until about 11pm that night! Not bad for a 2 day traveller!!
Enough babble for now. I'll continue soon... Hasta luego! x